I didn't know the rainbow flow I didn't know What my mummy really did What happened when I went to school On every work day warm or cool But when the world caught a virus The NHS stepped in to save us And my brother and I went to special school Salisbury villas became our new place With everyone having a smiley face School work changed to google classroom And remote piano lessons still in June I didn't know What my friends were all doing Whether their dominos pizza was left at the doorstep And if they were also really desperate for a pet But then with FaceTime, Skype and zoom It felt like we were all back in the same room And once again we could all chat Even if the minecraft houses were actually flat I didn't know How long it might take To get a cure for those at stake But I do know That I really care About my school friends here and there So I am really glad For the work of the iPad Like colours of the rainbow Help me to keep my friends chat flow Red for Skype, blue for zoom, Yellow for FaceTime and brighten my room