Poem - Hope When will this stop? When will it be normal? We do know it will be very soon, Stay home, stay safe to avoid pain. Right now, joy is at lack, Normal life will soon be back. Until then, let's hope for the best, And stay positive for yourself and the rest. Hope is not yet lost, Soon the virus will be tossed. Hope is still there, We will fight it together with utmost care. - My Lockdown Tales - I expressed my feelings about lockdown through this above poem (I have even tried to recite this poem to the tune of Italian song Bella Ciao). Even though times like this are sad, I have realised that mankind will get through any crisis and discover positivity even where it seems impossible to find. Spending so much time at home also meant I got to be with my family. In lockdown, I had all this time to enjoy doing my favourite things while exploring new hobbies. I splashed through vivid colours to create many paintings, wrote stories and poems on different topics, improved my sketching skills, learned so many new songs (in different languages), developed my drama abilities, designed and stitched dresses and a wardrobe for my Barbies out of waste materials and even learned how to bake! I even got a chance to create my own YouTube channel with the help of my mum to share my creative learnings. Although I could not meet my friends and other family, I could connect with them via online video conferencing. I did meet some of my friends in the end as schools reopened. The current pandemic has taught me that there is always a brighter side to every situation and a ray of hope waiting for us around the corner. And I will forever remember Albus Dumbledore's wise words: ‘Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light.'