My Lockdown Diary First of all, I would wake up in my bunk bed and get my book and start reading until 7am. Then, my Dad would come down and my sister, Neroli, would wake up. I'd go outside, put my boots on and let the chickens out before checking the eggs once I'd counted six chickens out of the nesting box. We've got six Hy-Line chickens which lay 4-6 eggs a day. Sometimes, there wouldn't be any eggs because the chickens haven't had their food yet. Their food is called "Layer's Pellets" and they help them to lay. I would come back down the hill, come into the house and take off my boots. Then, I would have either Challah, Sourdough, cereal or matzah for breakfast. Sourdough is a kind of delicious bread my Mum makes every other day using three "Starters" she keeps in the fridge overnight. After breakfast, I would start my lessons with my Times Tables and then some Maths worksheets before moving on to my English. Later, we would go on an outing to a beach and have a good swim up wearing our wetsuits! Then, we would go home and have a bath because our skins are very sensitive to the salt water in the Ocean. Then, we would go home and we would have Free Play while my Mum makes lunch. We would have my Mum's fresh Sourdough for lunch with either an egg and salmon for me or butter and jam (that could also be for me) but because Neroli doesn't like egg (which is really healthy) she has butter and jam or anything else she chooses. Next, my Dad and I would go to our Hive, sometimes with the Local Beekeeper, Niall, and sometimes on our own. We would look for pollen coming into the Hive on the bees' legs or we would open up the Hive and see if there's eggs inside or honey and we would also look for the Queen. Bees only live for 6 weeks. Half of that time they stay in the Hive and remove the dead bees and look after the Queen. After three weeks, they start working going out of the Hive to get pollen and making honey. At the back of our garden we have lots of lots of wheat (which other people would say it's high grass but actually it's a kind of wheat). It's all drying out now so that's a great sign because it means the bees are doing very well (although we did have to replace the Queen who mated (that means getting the stuff she needs for making babies)). After, if it hadn't rained that day, we would water the garden. Right now, we are growing carrots, fennel, beetroot, artichoke, tomatoes, peas, broccoli, courgettes, rainbow chard, radishes, lettuce, herbs, spinach and pumpkins. Then, I'd go over the garden to our trees (they are only saplings because we only planted them in 2018 when they were about half a metre) and I'd water them and give them a thorough drink. I'd stay there watering on for about one and a half minutes on just one apple tree! Now, we have lots of apples that are the size that, if you rolled a loose pencil into a ball, it would be that size and they are turning red. We also have pear trees but we don't have any pears on them yet. I also planted an apple - just a little tiny apple not even a baby tree that's already been a quarter grown - just an apple with apple seeds in it. I still don't see any shoots but that doesn't matter because apple trees take a long time to grow. After that, I'd go to the front garden where we have a fig tree planted that we had trimmed and brought from our own fig tree back in London (back where you are in London!) and some other plants like nasturtiums before going back inside to have my dinner. Finally, after dinner, I'd brush my teeth, get into bed, stay awake reading for a few hours, fall right asleep and wake up in the morning and start reading again. LOCKDOWN Beekeeping, gardening, cooking, Reading, trampolining, swinging, Writing, electronics, fishing, Harvesting, playing, farming, Painting, drawing, biking, Designing, making, planning, Tournaments, football, birthdays, Experimenting, beaches, sailing, Games, races, crafting, Barbecuing, Daily Mile-ing, Egg-fetching, All these things we have been doing, Have kept us busy, busy, busy, All the things we have been doing, Have kept us busy, busy, busy.